The Department of Surgery gratefully acknowledges the generosity of the following donors.
American Association of Plastic Surgeons
American College of Surgeons
Dr. Gerald L. Andriole and Dr. Dorothy A. Andriole
Dr. Carlos Guerino Arcangeli
Barrett Brown Foundation
Dr. Jay S. Belani
Dr. Keith Eric Brandt and Mrs. Tina Brandt
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Brauer Jr.
Dr. Ross C. Brownson
Dr. David A. Caplin
Mr. Lawrence J. Chase
Colon Cancer Alliance
Mrs. Heather D. Cooke
Mr. Patrick Delhougne
DeNardo Education and Research Foundation
Dr. John Stanley Dillon
Mr. John P. Dubinsky
Dr. Harry L. Ellis
Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital
Foundation for Surgical Fellowships
Mr. Irvin D. Fries
Dr. Henning A. Gaissert
Dr. Todd J. Garvin
Dr. Valerie J. Halpin
Dr. David A. Hardy
Mr. Jerald Hochsztein and Mrs. Shelley Hochsztein
Dr. Eugene Hsiao
Dr. Donald V. Huebener
Mr. Michael C. Johnson
Mrs. Raymond Keltner
Dr. Ira J. Kodner and Mrs. Barbara Kodner
Dr. Evan Raymond Kokoska and Dr. Mimi Gee Kokoska
Mr. Joseph Kyger and Ms. Joanna Kyger
Dr. Nam Hoai Le and Mrs. Cyndi Le
Dr. Gilbert Wesley Lee
Mr. J. David Levy
Mr. Mont S. Levy and Mrs. Karen Weinhaus Levy
Dr. Paul S. Mace
Mrs. Kathryn Manda
March of Dimes Foundation
Midwest Stone Institute
Dr. Leon Miller
Dr. Arthur Joseph Misischia
Dr. Seymour C. Nash
Craig H. Neilsen Foundation
Dr. George A. Oliver
Mrs. Patricia O’Rourke
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
Dr. Harper D. Pearse
Ms. Janelle Phillips
Precision Medicine Research Associates
Dr. Richard A. Prinz
Prostate Cancer Foundation
Dr. Stephen H. Radinsky and Mrs. Myra Radinsky
Dr. George F. Reinhardt
Dr. Joseph Anthony Reinkemeyer and Mrs. Joseph Reinkemeyer
Rising Tide Foundation for Clinical Cancer Research
Dr. Robert K. Royce
Marc & Helen Rubenstein Philanthropic Fund
Dr. Joseph G. Sandza Jr.
Dr. James E. Schiele
Dr. Kathleen B. Schwarz
Sexual Medicine Society of North America
Sidney Kimmel Foundation for Cancer Research
Dr. Igal Silber and Dr. Diane Silber
St. Jude Medical
St. Louis Children’s Hospital Foundation
Stephens & Associates, Inc.
Mr. Craig L. Stiegemeier and Ms. Barbara M. Stiegemeier
Dr. Paul T. Stockmann and Mrs. Suzanne Stockmann
Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Dr. Jessie L. Ternberg*
The Gateway for Cancer Research
The Plastic Surgery Foundation
Dr. Matthew R. Thom
Dr. Lewis J. Thomas Jr.
Mrs. Laura E. Tourtellot
Mr. Mark B. Vittert and Ms. Carol Holt Vittert
Dr. Wayne De Vos
Dr. Mark Jay Watson
Dr. Renata V. Weber
Worldwide Cancer Research